The Harpenden Clinic - a holistic approach to well-being
Sue Cheek Alexander Teacher
"I was referred to Sue Cheek, my Alexander Technique teacher, in 1997 by my orthopaedic consultant, following an MRI scan which revealed severe degeneration of certain discs in my lower back which had been causing chronic and debilitating back pain.
Through Sue's teaching, together we improved old bad posture habits which had developed over the years which then in turn prevented any further degeneration in my spine and I gradually over the weeks and months became totally pain-free and was able to return to my previously very active and sporty lifestyle."
Laura Jupp, Pupil, St.Albans, Herts
“Sue’s structured and enjoyable approach to Alexander Technique has raised my awareness considerably of how I use my body and has been hugely beneficial both generally and in my work as an organist. “
Roger Carter, Professional Organist & Pupil, St.Albans, Herts
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