The Harpenden Clinic - a holistic approach to well-being
Sue Cheek Alexander Teacher
I'm writing as a chronic pain sufferer of over 10 years and someone who initially (like many people), believed it was only a matter of time before my GP or a physiotherapist would "fix me"… I got frustrated waiting!
I've spent a lot of money over the years trying many different "alternative" treatments, so admit I approached the 'Alexander Technique' with a degree of scepticism. But from my very first conversation with Sue, I felt that I had finally stumbled over a potential solution. Sue has such a wonderful calm and positive manner that she immediately puts you at ease. And most importantly, makes you feel hopeful that you've finally found the right way
Sue is an excellent teacher of the technique. She has empathy by the bucket load and total patience, which means you can learn the technique at your own pace, along with her gentle encouragement to integrate it more and more into your daily life.
I used to feel a victim of my chronic pain condition, but Sue's teaching and has made me feel empowered; that there is something I can actually do to alleviate my condition. And with Sue's guidance, I've started to use my body increasingly the way it was "designed" to work, with the result that I have less chronic pain from day to day.
I cannot recommend Sue highly enough. Such a lovely, kind lady who genuinely wants you to get better. She beautifully conveys her total faith in the Alexander Technique as a path to recovery, and is herself a walking example of how the Alexander Technique can help with serious medical conditions. Thanks Sue!
Andy, Pupil, Harpenden, Herts